Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The inner battle - is it ever won?

3 kgs down this round and I am really proud - there has been the odd slip up but really only the 4 days away last week that I let the inner voice convince me to eat extra.

I was at a workshop that went for 2 full days and was all at the hotel I stayed in. The first day was fine, flew down chose a healthy meal at the airport for lunch and at an Italian restaurant chose the only healthy thing on the menu - grilled octopus and caprese salad. The next morning after a run in the freezing cold Canberra weather, at the all you can eat breakfast buffet I ordered a custom made vegetarian omelette and had with a macchiato and one slice of whole grain bread. Morning tea, nothing healthy on offer, had a cup of tea. Lunch I had a wrap - probably not that healthy but portion controlled it. Afternoon tea I think I skipped again.  Then dinner... I was starving, it was at 7 pm an hr after I normally eat.. and Italian again, but this time it was a platter arrangement, I started off ok but with little in the way of vegies on offer I definitely overate - not uncomfortably but ate another piece of steak which I knew was well over my 300 calorie limit! Two glasses of wine I enjoyed and I chose them without giving in.

I think it is whether or not it is your choice or you give in to those inner voices telling you to have some more, go on you deserve it, you have been working so hard... its a slippery slope, breakfast the next day was not terrible but not as healthy a choice, I was tired and didn't want to wait around for the omelette so grab some baked beans, scrambled eggs and then because it was there some bacon. Then morning tea I was starving so had a scone with cream and jam, lunch went back for a third mini baguette and then had two melting moments for dinner. Dinner then after a late flight was about 9 pm - I chose my dinner reasonably well given the menu, grilled chicken and veggies, but didn't get them to hold the mash, then for some inexplicable reason I ordered a cheesecake?? What the? I don't ever get dessert - I put it down to a few things - one, no healthy snacks, usually I would have something in my handbag so that I can eat the right thing even if nothing healthy is on offer; two, not enough water over the 4 days away and being in constant heating was dehydrated and this transferred in my mind to hunger; three, once you start eating sugary crap you crave it!

So that lesson learnt, I am forewarned for next time - get thee to a corner shop somewhere and get some fruit and some rice cakes or something! Make sure I drink plenty of water! And somehow try to get some sleep in the motel room!

Back home, back on the plan and all is well, lost 0.5 kg since Friday and didn't put on anything in the 4 days that I was away so having the rest of the fortnight focused on the plan obviously balanced it out. But still the battle is ever present, I have been doing this a long long time and tonight had an argument with myself as to whether I be a bit weird and take a packed lunch to the trade show I am going to tomorrow or just "choose something healthy", proudly unfocussed me won this battle - weird but on track wins the day as last week's escapades show the perils of convincing yourself that you can "choose something healthy" all the time.

But has me wondering - will the battle ever be won, will it really become second nature to choose well or will it always be a conscious decision, having to battle it out with myself constantly about this verse that every meal/snack time. Maybe it will, I gave up smoking almost 5 yrs ago and never have the slightest desire to smoke again. I hope so, I am happiest when I eat healthy but the mind struggle is pretty tiring over such a long time.

2.6 kg off my goal of 84 kg by 17 June. Two at home weeks and one red flag week - 1 kg a week definitely doable, just need to apply the lessons from the last trip and keep focused!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

30 kgs down!

Pretty excited, last night realised I was 0.4 kg off losing 30kg, I jumped on the scales this morning and weighed in at 87.1 kg - that's 30.4 kg gone from my starting weight! Incredible, something like that seemed unattainable 18 months ago. I am proud of myself and also acutely aware that this isn't something I have done on my own, I had my awesome weight watchers leader and group initially, lots of inspiring stories from my friends and those in magazines and online to spur me on, the support of the 12wbt program to get me out of the funk that I was in after losing the first 13 kg. Mostly though it is my awesome husband support of the whole thing - sure he might still bring home KFC for him and the kids but he has been there the whole way cheering me on and pointing out that eating that icecream isn't really going to help me achieve my goals. He hates doing the dishes but will do them on gym night to make sure I don't put off heading to the gym, he puts up with meals that really don't excite him without much complaint and puts my working out as a top priority on weekends. But mostly, he is really proud of me and loves me - he always has been proud of me, no matter what size I am and that is what helps the most, his love helps me, love me and be proud of who I am and how hard I have worked through the challenges to get to this point.

I will have to go look up what I had put as a 30 kg reward... possibly nothing as I would've thought that was a long way down the track at the time. My goal for this 12wbt is to get under 80 kgs - then I'll only have 15 kgs until goal. Seems pretty achievable now.

I have some things to work on - particularly getting to be early, seems to be a bit of a challenge for me and just getting on with my workouts, I don't skip them but I do still procrastinate them at times. Looking forward to ticking off my goals going forward and getting more sleep! 

Thank you - to all those who have supported and inspired me during this journey. I am now inspiring others and that is an added bonus and truly humbling, seriously if I could do it, anyone can!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Mothers Day

This mother's day there were no chocolates, no big breakfasts or decadent desserts. After two coffees (I think hubby made them with full-cream milk!) and porridge, we packed up the picnic basket and headed off for a bbq lunch - I did eat a sausage sandwich in addition to my bbq chicken wrap and I have to admit I had a little bit extra with my dinner (12wbt beef fajitas). There were no "treats" during the day, last night I had gone out for dinner with some girlfriends and had two glasses of wine, so treats are well taken care of this week.

It is difficult when so much of life revolves around food - good food, mostly but also a lot of crap food. Birthday cakes, chocolates, lunches, breakfast, cocktail parties. Luckily working with two young children means next to no time left for a social life but it can be a challenge. The expectation that you will have a few wines at dinner, especially for your own birthday - the "come on, you deserve it, you work so hard", type comments.

I think a lot of it stems from your history with someone. I was away last week working, no history with any of these people - so no comments on my "healthy lunch" or dinner choices etc. In fact one of the things I have learnt is that no one really cares if you turn down a slice of birthday cake - it isn't obligatory, despite me having used that excuse for a long time.

This is my new history - mothers day is about spending time with my family, not about what I eat, what I get given and certainly not about having the day off (who has the time??). I have packed my little haul of handprints and footprints and homemade cards to take to work. I have also done a couple of loads of washing, put them away, cooked dinner (and lunch), packed lunches and bags, put washing away, done some mending, washed children, washed dishes, paid some bills, put a pile of papers away and soon to move onto ironing, online shopping and paying a few more bills - then I will lay out my running clothes and go to sleep and hit the week running! I am a mother but this mother's health is top priority in our busy family these days.

Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers out there - I hope you had a wonderful one.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Another 12 weeks and

A few achievements and a few lessons learnt (I hope!)

  • Weight loss 4.6 kgs - up and down, best loss was 3.5 kgs in the one week, when I followed the program without a single bite over and did all my exercise... fancy that the program worked
  • Learning to stop mindless eating - chewing gum when struggling has really helped
  • Cutting down the milk in my coffee to a long black with a dash
  • Going to bed a lot earlier most of the time
  • Running 4 kms in under 30 mins
  • Cms lost...34 cms - woah! Obviously swapped some fat for muscle.
  • Time trial - must do!
  • I don't lose weight if I don't track - obviously tracking in my head doesn't work, weeks I track I lose, fancy that!
  • For me abstaining is key, I am still an all or nothing girl, but nothing tastes as good as skinny feels so I am ok with that, I don't feel deprived in fact I just feel like crap after eating crap
  • Hubby is on board with not eating crap around me, I guess it is like drinking around a recovering alcoholic, not a necessary test of will power.
  • I need to remain focused, having lost X amount of kgs does not make me an expert on what I am doing, things will change and challenges will need to be overcome
  • I need to work on social settings - leaving half a plate of food is not easy for me.
  • I had to put back some size 14s and buy a 12... first time in maybe 10 years?
  • I stopped chickening out on some of the tougher workouts and really pushed myself at the gym
 I'm pleased there is a week's break between the rounds this time, time for me to focus on the next rounds pre-season tasks properly rather than rushing into it.