Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Woohoo - under the big 100!

Today was my week weigh in at weight watchers and today the scales read in double digits for the first time... 99.1 kg! I have been on a high ever since, I may have peeked on a whim this morning (wearing jeans) and that was the first time in a long time that I have seen a number without a 1 in front of it. When I first joined WW about 6 years ago I was 97 kgs and horrified, now I am 2 kgs heavier and super excited... depends on which side you are looking at it from I guess.

I am definitely a different person foodwise - I am still human I still eat more than I should and things that aren't necessarily in my plan for the day but somehow today I feel super human. Bounced through the evening and off to the gym tonight.

This is week 7 of the 12WBT and I am loving the exercise component - I feel so fit and strong and my skin is glowing (something it never did during my two pregnancies which I spent looking ashen from nausea and vomiting). The gym is my me time, I don't really need to talk myself into it now and I just fit it into my day regardless of what might come along to muck with my schedule, exercising has become a non-negotiable in my day - my family knows it and now my dad and step-mum know it as I skipped off to the gym after dinner on the first night of their visit. And they are all really proud of me for it. Am I missing out by spending 1.5-2hrs at the gym each night - no way! The clean washing might not get put away as often but really I don't miss the time to "relax" at all. I feel energised and clear headed and ready to get what I need done before bed and hit the pillow feeling like I have earnt the right to lay around in bed for 6 hrs.

I feel like I am being a bit disloyal to both programs by not following one or the other perfectly - I have been loving the recipe ideas from the 12WBT but WW is second nature to me now so my nutrition is a blend of the two - I meal plan everything but I am not super strict on my calories for each meal/day using the WW ethos there. Needing to do things perfectly is ironically what got me to this weight in the first place so I need to do what works for me and I have paid for my right to utilise what I like about both programs and what matters is that I am committed to me rather than to following some weight loss program perfectly.

My weight watchers leader is amazing and both staff members squealed and hugged me when they saw the number on the scales today - I honestly could not have done this without the support of the staff and the members at my meetings - I was pretty proud to see that in 52 weeks I have missed 10 meetings - 3 of which were cancelled by weight watchers, and a couple were missed in the early months when I would avoid going to try and cancel one bad week with a good week, but I worked through that and went to every single one except for if I was away.

A few of those goal rewards are piling up - I need to remember to organise to take them, I WILL be buying that GHD in 1.6 kgs time! But honestly now the rewards are more about feeling awesome, I ate a few unhealthy things over the weekend and my body felt it for the next couple of days - sluggish and hard work at the gym without the right fuel for it. I am looking forward to running 5 kms non-stop, I am looking forward to shaving time off my time trial and looking forward to doing a sit-up again one day!

Something Michelle Bridges said in one of her videos resonated with me this week - my biggest weakness is just eating for no reason, because it is there, in front of me, whilst I'm cooking, in the pantry etc. etc. One of the things I really want to do is to feel in control of every single bite instead of after the fact having to readjust my food or exercise around a mindless munch. This week I am going to focus on only eat my meals and snacks when I chose to, nothing random or left overs handed to me by a one or three year old!

New Goal - 97 kgs - less than my WW start weight!

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